Tutorial 1c)
Your first own allesfit

Settings things up

The file structure is as follows:

  • datadir

    • settings.csv

    • params.csv

    • tel1.csv

    • tel2.csv

datadir For example, datadir = “users/johnwayne/tess_1b”.

tel1.csv, tel2.csv, … All these telescope data files must be named exactly like the telesopes listed in settings.csv. So for example “TESS.csv”, “HARPS.csv”, and so on. The code will automatically search for these file names in the given directory.

Photometric instruments must contain three columns: time,flux,flux_err

RV instruments must contain three columns: time,rv,rv_err

The time unit has to be days, preferably BJD. It does not matter if it is JD/HJD/BJD, but it must be homogenous between all data sets tel1.csv etc. and the parameters (epoch) in params.csv.

settings.csv and params.csv Either create these with the GUI, or copy them from the example and adjust as you need

Running the fit

Either run everything with the GUI, or copy run.py from the examples and adjust as you need