Tutorial 1a)
Crash Course (with GUI)

Your team from The Magic Next Telescope (TMNT) found a transiting exoplanet candidate using its photometric instrument Leonardo. Now it is your job to model it!

All codes available on GitHub.

You can run allesfitter in a graphical user interface and/or directly using its Python scripts. No need to choose, you can fluently mix & match to make your life easiest. For starters, we will explain the graphical user interface here. To skip ahead, check out Tutorial 1b.

Watch the video (engaging and cool)

Note: The video is a bit outdated by now, but still captures 99% of the workflow. The updated crash course on GitHub simplifies and speeds up the modeling.

Read the documentation (old and dusty)

You can download the data file here: Leonardo.csv

Your team's discovery report gives you a first guess for the transit signal:

  • Epoch: 1.09 +- 0.01 days after start of observations

  • Period: 3.41 +- 0.01 days

  • R_planet / R_star: 0.10 +- 0.01

  • (R_star + R_planet) / semi-major axis: somewhere between 0.1 and 0.3

(Your team is still unsure about the stellar parameters, so let us leave these undefined for now.)

Simply launch allesfitter’s graphical user interface (GUI) either

  • either via double click on the launch_allesfitter app (for Mac/Windows/Linux)

  • or by executing the following lines in a Python console:

    • import allesfitter

    • allesfitter.GUI()

Now fill out the fields step by step, hit the run button, and lean back. The fields should be relative self-explanatory; if not, please check the video.

Congratulations! Now that you successfully modeled the data, you can schedule follow-up observations with the rest of the TMNT network: Michelangelo (photometry), Donatello (RV) and Raphael (RV).

Now move on to the more advanced tutorials, which step by step introduce GPs, RV modeling, and much more.